Hey Lady, Teacher Friend…
Welcome to Teacher Tycoon™ Academy
Create Your Stress-Free Online Income Stream in Just 4 Steps Whether You Leave Teaching or Stay
I'll show you how to Harness Your Power, doing what you DO BEST and Launch Your Built-In ‘Knowledge Business’ to Make 6 Figures, even MORE-- so you can afford the life you deserve!

Billionaires would not be who they are without their teachers.  

Now it’s teachers turn to be the Tycoon!

Transform You, Your Life, & Your Money with Teacher Tycoon™ Academy

Now more than ever teachers feel overworked, overwhelmed, and overextended! Do you know that feeling? Good News! You can create an online income stream to bankroll your life whether you leave teaching or stay!
Teacher Tycoon™ is your FULL PROOF path to launch your 'knowledge business' doing what you love...without stress, strain, or struggle. I'll guide you step-by-step in for your BIG launch--we'll do it together!!

Create Your Online Income Stream So You Can BankRoll the Life You've Always Wanted

Your Next BIG Pay Day is Sooo Right There, Friend…You Just Need to Turn What You Already Know Into Cash

  • Educator & Coach: Angela
  • Content: Multi-modes
  • Content Level: Moderate
  • Certificate Included
  • Unlimited Lifetime Access

Teacher Tycoon™ Academy

Launch Your Stress-Free Online Income Stream on Your Schedule

You’ll Be Amazed at What You're Gonna Be Able to Do:

 Access ALL the Modules, Planners, the Entire Launch Workflow, and MUCH More….So You Can Be Successful in BIG Launch. 

 Follow the self-paced modules to complete the workflow in REAL TIME and LAUNCH with a DIY, at you own pace path. 

 Starting is often the most challenging step!  No worries you'll have access to a LIVE On-boarding to give you a jumpstart.

Enroll in Teacher Tycoon™ Academy and Launch Your Online Income Stream

A 6-Figure or MORE Online Income Stream from Your Built-In 'Knowledge Business' Out There in the Marketplace…
Money Pouring In! How Does That Sound?

With all that’s going on, now is the time to build wealth and secure your financial future. The Good News is, ALL teachers have a built-in business and helping women launch their business is our love language, so when you dive in, we'll be by your side every step of the way so you can launch your very own wealth builder, doing what you LOVE.

Attend the powerful, highly interactive LIVE academy that guides you through the tried and proven 4-step workflow designed just for teachers to launch a wealth builder! Join now and  you'll boost your confidence, master your field of expertise, and thrive in the day-to-day workflow of business as a TEACHER TYCOON™. Let’s do this!

I’ll Help You Launch and Rock Your Boss Lady Vibe from Day One

Unlock Your Inner Businesswoman

The Day You Begin Class You Become a Successful Businesswoman.

Launch Your Built-in Knowledge Business

We give you the tools and resources to develop your business skills.

Build Your 6-Figure or More Income

Follow our full proof actions steps diligently and launch in 4 steps.

Enroll in Teacher Tycoon™ Academy and Get the Proven Path to Launch Your Online Income Stream in Just 4 Steps!

Full Proof Steps to Launch!

Enroll to work alongside and complete the play-by-play action steps to launch your own wealth builder and make real $$$$$$ so you can build legacy wealth
  • Step 1--Complete Financials Forecast for Your Tycoon Strategy 
  • Step 2--Create Wealth Builder (You Got Options)
  • Step 3--Launch--It's All About the Launch  
  • Step 4--Ready + Set + Grow
  • It's GO Time: By the end of step 4, you'll be ready to launch your online income stream and make REAL money doing what you love! 

Teacher Tycoon™ Academy is Designed Just for YOU!

Quick and Easy

I was a teacher so trust me, I get it...you don't have any time to waste. That's why I designed the system based on quick and easy steps that you'll achieve in NO TIME..well almost.

Fast Results

You'll see BIG wins along your 4-step journey that will make your time worthwhile.  You can look forward to the sense of accomplishment every step of the way...not. just at the end. 

Unlimited Access

Once you enroll, you'll have unlimited access so you learn + launch at your own speed. Then, you can rinse and repeat the steps for continued success now and in the future.

Read. Watch. Learn. Do.

You'll  launch with the read, watch, learn and DO method laid out in the portal with access to all the resources you need for a successful launch.Plus, updates and downloadable printables at your disposal.

Here's What You'll Achieve...

👇🏼Click Plus Sign to Learn More

Enroll Now and Let's Get to Work on Your Launch...Whether You Choose to Leave Teaching or Stay

Hi Friend, I'm Angela.  I'm the Administrator of the Teacher Tycoon™ Academy, and I'll Be Your Coach
 I'm a wife, mom, author, business life coach + educator, and producer of the Angela Tezeno YouTube Channel. I'm here to coach you with tools to plan, design, and launch your built-in knowledge business and create an online income so you can afford your life whether you leave teaching or stay.
 I was a teacher for 18 years and enlarged my life's work in education by launching a business wealth brand to help teachers build wealth through business. These days, when I'm not writing, coaching, speaking, or hosting my show, I'm hanging with the fam, playing Pac-man and eating any food involving cheese.

 Enroll in the Teacher Tycoon™ Academy and launch your knowledge business and create your online income stream together! You got this cause I got you!

Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions

100% Guarantee Promise. And That's That.

Your success is the #1 priority for us.  We believe you'll be highly successful with Teacher Tycoon™ Academy, and we're willing to stand behind it 100%, so we will refund your money within 7 days of purchase if you're not satisfied.  This is our way of putting you first---no hassle, no excuses.  Just our promise fueled by our core values.  Simply reach out to us at support@angelatezeno.com and request a refund. And that's that.

Enroll in Teacher Tycoon™ Academy and Go Get MORE Money for Your Life

Here's What You Get When You Enroll:
You’ll access multiple learning platforms to LAUNCH your online income stream. The Academy Includes:
  Step by Step Workflow Modules for Your Launch
 Video Lessons
 Audio Downloads for Lessons
 Check-in Exercises and Tools for Accountability
  Downloadable Workbook
  Resource Library
 Unlimited Forever Access
Enroll Now and Get Started
You'll walk through the modules-- step by step-- to complete the workflow in REAL TIME and LAUNCH your online income stream with a "DIY" path. Let's Go, Friend!

ONLY $497 to Create Your Unlimited Online Income Stream

One Time Payment or Payment Plan
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